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+982188520815 Unit 3, No 12, Rahbar Alley, 7th St, Nilufar Sq, Tehran, Iran
Paget Disease of the Bone

Paget Disease of the Bone

Paget Disease of the Bone Paget disease of the bone is a chronic bone disorder. It causes bones to become enlarged and deformed. Bone may become dense, but fragile, because of excessive breakdown and deformation of bone. The disease is…

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Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a disease that causes weak, thinning bones. This puts the bones at greater risk of breaking. The bones most often affected are the hips, spine, and wrists. Risk Factors Women are 4 times more likely to get…

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Osteomyelitis Osteomyelitis is an inflammation or swelling of bone tissue. It’s most often caused by an infection. Bone infection may occur for many reasons. It can affect children or adults. Risk Factors Osteomyelitis can affect anyone. But it is more…

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Lumbar Strain

Lumbar Strain

Lumbar Strain A lumbar strain is an injury to the lower back. This leads to damaged tendons and muscles that can spasm and feel sore. The lumbar vertebra makes up the section of the spine in your lower back. Causes…

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Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain Low back pain can range from mild, dull, annoying pain, to persistent, severe, disabling pain in the lower back. Pain in the lower back can restrict mobility and interfere with normal functioning. Causes The exact cause of…

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Knee Ligament Injuries

Knee Ligament Injuries

Knee Ligament Injuries Knee ligaments are the short bands of tough, flexible connective tissue that hold the knee together. Knee ligament injuries can be caused by trauma, such as a car accident. Or they can be caused by sports injuries.…

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Fractures A fracture is a partial or complete break in the bone. When a fracture happens, it’s classified as either open or closed: Open fracture (also called compound fracture): The bone pokes through the skin and can be seen, or a…

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Fibrous Dysplasia

Fibrous Dysplasia Fibrous dysplasia is a benign (non-cancer) chronic problem in which scar-like tissue grows in place of normal bone. It often results in 1 or more of these: Bone deformity Brittle bones Pain Uneven growth of bones Any bone…

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Dupuytren’s Contracture

Dupuytren’s Contracture Dupuytren contracture (also called Dupuytren disease) is an abnormal thickening of the skin in the palm of your hand at the base of your fingers. This thickened area may develop into a hard lump or thick band. Over…

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