Specialty and Subspecialty Hospital of Treata has been established in the land with area of about 6000 square meter and with an infrastructure over than 2000 square meters in 18 stories.
This hospital has been designed for the number of 200 hospital beds and could be also increased.
For providing the medical services with high quality, Founders of Treata intend to use state of art technologies and specialty and subspecialty team with enough experience in the country as well as well-skilled foreign physicians. For this purpose, the building of the hospital is such designed and implemented that all modern facilities and equipment have been predicted for providing such services and during the treatment period, patient could advantage of the best conditions.
International Department
According to major policies of TREATA Hospital, International Patients Department (IPD) has activity for providing the international patient with desirable services in this hospital.
– The well-equipped national specialty and subspecialty hospital with highest standards;
– Obtaining class one rating from Ministry of Health and Medical Education of the country;
– The best emergency and trauma center in the country;
– Predicting the infrastructures required for the first health promoting hospital (HPH) for increasing the quality of life of patients and finally assisting to the health of the community.
– Presence of various surgical and internal wards;
– Presence of specialty and subspecialty clinics;
– Comprehensively providing the medical services by well-skilled physicians with all specialties in the hospital;
– Presence of boarding pharmacy in the hospital;
– Quick access to hospital because of its location in the low-traffic routes;
– Presence of Air Emergency Facilities;
– Presence of patient panels next to the bed for the first time in the country holding all facilities such as VoIP tell, TV, Internet, entertainment and computer games;
– Respecting all religions and planning for religious minorities;
– Planning for providing the patients with more calm and peace of mind;
– Employing the individuals familiar with hospital system (hospitality) for accompanying the patient from the time of acceptance to discharge.
Some services provided by this department include:
– Active presence of IPD physician;
– Active presence of IPD Experts for facilitating the affairs of international patients;
– Active presence of IPD nurse;
– Pamphlet for introducing the hospital in two English and Arabic languages;
– Training pamphlet translated into both English and Arabic languages;
– Guiding boards for floors in both English and Arabic languages;
– Quickly accepting the foreign patients in clinics and doing para-clinical works;
– Accompanying the patient during medical process from time of acceptance until discharge and during returning back to their homeland;
– Possibility of remote reception of the patients;
– Providing the patient with medical package before entering to the country (by sending the medical reports);
– Transportation service;
– Pilgrimage and recreational tours;
– Preparing air ticket and visa;
– Diet menu.
Specialty and Subspecialty clinics
– Cardiac, echocardiography and exercise test;
– Internal- gut and endoscopy;
– Internal, subspecialty of hematology and oncology;
– Internal, subspecialty of rheumatology;
– Internal, subspecialty of nephrology and hemodialysis;
– Internal, subspecialty of lung and bronchoscopy;
– Internal, subspecialty of endocrines;
– Internal, subspecialty of tropical diseases;
– Obstetrics and gynecology, midwifery and infertility;
– Subspecialty of ENT (ear, nose and throat specialist) and sinusoidal endoscopy;
– Skin and laser;
– Kidney and urinary tracts;
– Plastic and restorative surgery;
– General surgery;
– Orthopedic;
– Pediatrician and its subspecialty fields;
– Neurosurgery;
– Eye and LASIK.
Other Medical and non-Medical Wards
– Audiometry and hearing aid clinic;
– Physical medicine and rehabilitation;
– Physiotherapy;
– Nutrition;
– Endoscopy, ERCP, sonography;
– Pharmacy;
– Conference hall;
– Library;
– Restaurant and buffet.
Para clinical Wards
– Imaging wards, CT SCAN, MRI, mammography, radiology, sonography; densitometry of bone;
– Lab (pathology, biochemistry, hematology, genetics microbiology);
– Radiotherapy;
– Angiography and angioplasty
- Perspective
– The well-equipped national specialty and subspecialty hospital with highest standards;
– Obtaining class one rating from Ministry of Health and Medical Education of the country;
– The best emergency and trauma center in the country;
– Predicting the infrastructures required for the first health promoting hospital (HPH) for increasing the quality of life of patients and finally assisting to the health of the community. - Facilities
– Presence of various surgical and internal wards;
– Presence of specialty and subspecialty clinics;
– Comprehensively providing the medical services by well-skilled physicians with all specialties in the hospital;
– Presence of boarding pharmacy in the hospital;
– Quick access to hospital because of its location in the low-traffic routes;
– Presence of Air Emergency Facilities;
– Presence of patient panels next to the bed for the first time in the country holding all facilities such as VoIP tell, TV, Internet, entertainment and computer games;
– Respecting all religions and planning for religious minorities;
– Planning for providing the patients with more calm and peace of mind;
– Employing the individuals familiar with hospital system (hospitality) for accompanying the patient from the time of acceptance to discharge. - Some services
Some services provided by this department include:
– Active presence of IPD physician;
– Active presence of IPD Experts for facilitating the affairs of international patients;
– Active presence of IPD nurse;
– Pamphlet for introducing the hospital in two English and Arabic languages;
– Training pamphlet translated into both English and Arabic languages;
– Guiding boards for floors in both English and Arabic languages;
– Quickly accepting the foreign patients in clinics and doing para-clinical works;
– Accompanying the patient during medical process from time of acceptance until discharge and during returning back to their homeland;
– Possibility of remote reception of the patients;
– Providing the patient with medical package before entering to the country (by sending the medical reports);
– Transportation service;
– Pilgrimage and recreational tours;
– Preparing air ticket and visa;
– Diet menu. - Specialty
Specialty and Subspecialty clinics
– Cardiac, echocardiography and exercise test;
– Internal- gut and endoscopy;
– Internal, subspecialty of hematology and oncology;
– Internal, subspecialty of rheumatology;
– Internal, subspecialty of nephrology and hemodialysis;
– Internal, subspecialty of lung and bronchoscopy;
– Internal, subspecialty of endocrines;
– Internal, subspecialty of tropical diseases;
– Obstetrics and gynecology, midwifery and infertility;
– Subspecialty of ENT (ear, nose and throat specialist) and sinusoidal endoscopy;
– Skin and laser;
– Kidney and urinary tracts;
– Plastic and restorative surgery;
– General surgery;
– Orthopedic;
– Pediatrician and its subspecialty fields;
– Neurosurgery;
– Eye and LASIK. - Other Wards
Other Medical and non-Medical Wards
– Audiometry and hearing aid clinic;
– Physical medicine and rehabilitation;
– Physiotherapy;
– Nutrition;
– Endoscopy, ERCP, sonography;
– Pharmacy;
– Conference hall;
– Library;
– Restaurant and buffet.Para clinical Wards
– Imaging wards, CT SCAN, MRI, mammography, radiology, sonography; densitometry of bone;
– Lab (pathology, biochemistry, hematology, genetics microbiology);
– Radiotherapy;
– Angiography and angioplasty
- emergency
- internal medicine and surgery
- gynecology
- neurology and psychology
- Para clinic
- Laboratory
- radiology
- physiotherapy
- dialysis
- specialized clinics and a pharmacy
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